Little Dreamer's Eyes <$BlogRSDURL$>

Little Dreamer's Eyes

Darlin' dreamin in the night, shadows on the windows


I Can't See You

I'm looking at you, but I can't see you. I know you're there. I hear your voice. I understand your words. My eyes are clouded with tears.

As fast as I wipe them away they return like frosted glass letting in enough light to remind me of your shadow in front of me, yet all detail of you and who you are is gone.

I can't see you anymore.

If I let the tears well up in my eyes without brushing them away, will they fall? Will they run down my cheek and give me the view of you I've been fighting to see? I can't stop wiping them because I don't want you to see me cry. I want to see you. How can I clear my eyes to see you without you watching the tears fall?

I can't.

So you will need to watch me cry so that I, in turn, can watch you looking at me.