Little Dreamer's Eyes <$BlogRSDURL$>

Little Dreamer's Eyes

Darlin' dreamin in the night, shadows on the windows



Someplace to be in peace. Where thoughts are judged in silence. No strokes to the keyboard pecking away at my impression of my world. A place I can find peace in my thoughts and despite anyone's interest, despite anyone's opinion I am here alone.

Alone has always been a fear of mine and yet here I run to it like shelter from chaos. Where I came from was my nest. My thoughts. The place I could go to vent from the world with or without opinion. With or without support. With or without confrontation. No longer.

In a place I call mine that I retreat from the rest of the world, all the while wanting to be heard, I have chosen to run from it too. My conscience is not free there. My thoughts are judged by those who choose to voice them loudly. Strongly. With force and the confidence that they have a place in my world.

I am in the open. Exposed. As I should be in life. As I am in life. As I will continue to be here.

Here I do not welcome your opinion. I don't care if you are heard. Here is where I want to be heard. Where I find a different purpose than hiding on paper yet can control my surroundings as I speak my point of view.

Voyeurism is human. It's curiosity. I enjoy when I watch and keep to myself as much as I enjoy to participate in someone else's thoughts and invitations to contribute.

There are no invitations here.

Voyeurism is welcome. Opinions are not. There is a time and a place for an unwanted opinion and I have learned that if I open the door to let people in I should expected unwanted visitors.

This door is not open but I will be sure to pull back the curtain on the window.